
A Decadent Gluten Free Treat

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It is the afternoon and I am hungry!  It is also over 90 degrees, so naturally my first inclination to satiate my hunger is ice cream!

In our house, ice cream is a regular part of our weekly menu.  Now, of course, it doesn't end up written on the actual menu, yet it is not rare for my husband to follow dinner with, "Do you want an ice cream cone?"  He makes the best ice cream cones!  He really could be considered an ice cream artist! :)  You know what I mean, just the perfect amount of ice cream inside the cone before placing a small scoop on top!  Perfectly delicious!

We've had ice cream 1-2 times a week for the past few weeks and we have yet to tire of it.  This leads me to believe that ice cream is just like pizza...it never gets old!  Such an interesting phenomenon about these food items.  Now back to the item at hand, the ice cream & it's cone.

My cone (pictured):
  • Edward & Sons "Let's do...Gluten Free Ice Cream Cones"
  • So Delicious Organic Chocolate Velvet Soy Ice Cream
  • Trader Joe's French Vanilla Ice Cream
Crosby's (my husband) cone:
  • Let's Do...Organic "Organic Sugar Cones"
  • Trader Joe's French Vanilla Ice Cream
These ice cream cones never disappoint, but for my choice this afternoon I wanted something quick and a little extra chocolaty.  

Thanks to my lovely mother, I had these chocolate covered vanilla raspberry ice cream bars in the freezer.  Ciao Bella's Gelato Dips are gluten free and they are tasty!!  Now, they are also quite rich, so be prepared for that.  Nonetheless, they were just what the doctor ordered this Wednesday afternoon.  Look, even our dog seems interested!! :)

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