
Gluten Free iPhone/iPad Apps For Restaurants

Friday, February 10, 2012

Now we've all been stuck in that rut of being tired and not wanting to make anything to eat, and when the thought comes of "where do we want to eat tonight," our minds start to run.

There are plenty of applications for your phone that you can use to help with this decision making.

Now I have to admit these apps aren't the best looking apps visually, but do you really want all the bells and whistles screaming at you while you're trying to find something that's going to fill your belly?

The way I see it, especially as a man, show me what the restaurant has and how to get there. (Do we really need anything else?)

So the first one is called

Find Me Gluten Free is a gluten free restaurant finder. Easily find gluten free friendly restaurants, bakeries, cafes, grocery stores and more! Businesses are tagged with special gluten free features that they offer, such as pizza, pasta, bread, and dedicated gluten free facility. Search your current location or a specific address. View menus, call, or get directions for each business. View others' ratings and reviews and submit your own. Also, now share pictures of your gluten-free food! We're constantly adding businesses, so share your favorites with others. Also, easily view national chain restaurant gluten free menus. Happy gluten free dining!

I'll be updating this page over the next couple of days finding some amazing applications that you can use to help your gluten free dining experience.

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