Is Cover Fx Skin Care and Makeup Gluten Free?
Friday, May 18, 2012I've realized something about myself today. I am a woman on a mission! This mission, to find as many gluten free cosmetic options as I can! Whether make-up, lotion, deodorant or toothpaste, I want to know that my "non-food" products are gluten free.
For this Food Free Friday post, I'm looking into Cover FX Makeup. I recently came across this new makeup line (at least new to me) on Sephora's website and saw that it was paraben free! I love that, so I emailed them to inquire about whether or not their makeup is gluten free.
Here was their reply:
"We do not use any gluten ingredients in our products but the maufacturing facilities which produce our products are not certified as a gluten free facility. We are confirming if they intend on becoming a certified gluten free facility."
Your preferences on what products to use are your choice. Please use your own discretion before purchasing any products. For me, knowing I have the option of certified gluten free cosmetics & skin care, I lean towards choosing those, but that's my preference.