Tasty Gluten Free Tortillas AND a GIVEAWAY!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012{Giveaway Ended} Congrats to Elena for winning!!
Are you ready for THIS?
Keep reading...there's a giveaway at the bottom of this post! :)
Rudi's Gluten Free has NEW tortillas out. These babies are fresh and they're on store shelves now! In fact, we saw them at our local Lassen's just the other day! Wahoo!
Ok, if I sound a bit overzealous, it's because I am. These tortillas ROCK!
Let me give you a quick run down. Rudi's has come out with three different kinds of tortillas that are soft and pliable, which is why I'm a bit overzealous about them. Pliable=you can make a burrito and they don't fall apart! Sweet, right?
Ok, one little note though. While these tortillas are definitely better for making burritos than the standard corn or brown rice tortillas, they still aren't AS easily moldable as a standard white flour tortilla. I just don't want to get your hopes up too much, but compared to any other gluten free tortillas we've tried, these babies definitely top the list. Our current favorite is the plain!
In a few days we'll post some pics along with our recipe for a quick (we like that word around here when referring to meals) chicken burrito!
But first, let's get to the important part...the giveaway!
Rudi's, besides graciously allowing us to taste their tortillas, has also included a wonderful GIVEAWAY for our readers!

WHAT YOU COULD WIN: The package includes an apron to make cooking a little more fun, a gluten-free cookbook, “Gluten-Free on a Shoestring,” by Nicole Hunn, Rudi’s Gluten-Free coupons,a reusable shopping bag,and bread clips.
This means, you can win some awesome swag AND even try some of their products.
To enter the giveaway, please fill out the form below! *Make sure you check out the awesome ways you can get EXTRA entries! (*Your e-mail will NOT be shared with anyone.*)
To enter the giveaway, please fill out the form below! *Make sure you check out the awesome ways you can get EXTRA entries! (*Your e-mail will NOT be shared with anyone.*)
The giveaway begins June 12 and will end June 20 at midnight, EST. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway*Giveaways are only available to those living within the U.S.