Homemade Fruit Smoothie

Saturday, July 02, 2011

For a quick and easy gluten free breakfast, how about a fruit smoothie?
Smoothies are something I've been striving to perfect for awhile. While it's easy to make a smoothie, you're not always guaranteed a tasty treat. We've bought our fair share of protein powders that when added to the smoothie destroy all possibilities of wanting to finish your glass. Today, however, we enjoyed a great breakfast!
The protein powder used is Tera's Whey organic bourbon vanilla. It is made with stevia rather than sugar, which is important to my doctor who very eloquently says, "Sugar is the enemy!" :-) Seriously, he does! Anyway, when mixed into a smoothie this protein powder is delicious.
The smoothie: (all ingredients are organic)
1 scoop protein powder
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
3/4-1 cup milk
Splash of orange juice
Simply place everything in a blender and blend for about a minute.


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  1. I love smoothies! I usually don't put protein powder in them and now that I'm pregnant they certainly won't suffice as a breakfast. But they are sure yummy! Michela loves them too! In fact, that's the only way I can get her to drink cows milk. I guess I make better milk. ;)


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